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RS Teacher in an Outstanding comprehensive school in London. All my lessons are always conceptual, accurate in content, challenging and engaging for students. The department is consistently among the best results in the school with strong P8 and attainment scores. I would greatly appreciate any feedback on resources, good or bad, I'm always looking to improve, please review!




RS Teacher in an Outstanding comprehensive school in London. All my lessons are always conceptual, accurate in content, challenging and engaging for students. The department is consistently among the best results in the school with strong P8 and attainment scores. I would greatly appreciate any feedback on resources, good or bad, I'm always looking to improve, please review!
AQA GCSE RE RS - Christianity Practices - WHOLE UNIT 10 lessons

AQA GCSE RE RS - Christianity Practices - WHOLE UNIT 10 lessons

12 Resources
Here is the whole unit for Christianity practices, if you have seen my other lessons then you will know that my slides are loaded with information, key terms, key quotes and questions (mostly exam style). These are very adaptable slides to change for your style or class set. These 10 lessons are: Worship and Prayer The Sacraments Baptism and Communion Pilgrimage Festivals Role of the Church in the community The place of mission and Evangelism Growth of the worldwide Church Reconciliation Persecution Church’s response to worldwide poverty I’ve also included my question bank for this sub-unit and the key words booklet.
AQA GCSE RE RS - Christianity Practices - Lessons 8-10

AQA GCSE RE RS - Christianity Practices - Lessons 8-10

3 Resources
Lessons 8-10 of the Christian practices unit: L8: Reconciliation L9: Persecution L10: Response to world wide poverty I follow the AQA text book, please see individual lessons for more detail. I tend to put a lot of information on my slides which makes them useful to students when they come to revise from them.
AQA GCSE RE RS - Christianity Practices - L9 Persecution

AQA GCSE RE RS - Christianity Practices - L9 Persecution

Follow the AQA Text book, this lesson looks at the issue of persecution and the Church’s response to it. There are videos within the powerpoint that you may find useful. As always colour coded key words and quotes throughout. The lesson is also punctuated throughout with various questions/exam questions
Aquinas Cosmological argument + Challenges

Aquinas Cosmological argument + Challenges

Here are two lesson’s worth on Aquinas’s cosmological arguments, very information heavy so ideal for adapting to your style and for student revision. It has some questions and tasks within, it follows the Eduqas text book.
AQA GCSE RE RS - Theme E: Religion, Crime and Punishment WHOLE UNIT (7 Lessons)

AQA GCSE RE RS - Theme E: Religion, Crime and Punishment WHOLE UNIT (7 Lessons)

9 Resources
I focus the majority of this unit on Christianity as there is enough diversity to fulfill the exam requirements. However, it does still include Islam when appropriate. This lesson contains lots of information slides, ideal for home learning/revision. Easily adaptable into active learning strategies for your teaching style. There are videos embedded using the web player app. You need to click to activate the plug in on the embed. Sometimes they don’t work but normally reloading the PPT solves the problem! Key words booklet included. Lesson 1: What is Crime? Lesson 2: Reasons for Crime Lesson 3: Attitudes to Criminals Lesson 4: Aims of Punishment Lesson 5: Attitudes to the Treatment of Criminals Lesson 6: Attitudes to Forgiveness Lesson 7: Attitudes to the Death Penalty